Vulvodynia Vulvodynia - Interdimensional Abnormality

Slowly shifting between dimensions
Gorging itself upon your worst fears
Living for constant dissection
Blood curdling screams are all you hear
When this beast is near

Carcinogenic by nature
This creature lives only to feed
It cares not for your creed
Gluttonous and filled with greed
Carcinogenic by nature
This creature lives only to feed
Upon the weak and fragile minded
Aborted fetuses and feces covered elderly
Go down like candy in his monstrous jaws
This is a taste of true perversion

Morphing into your worst nightmare right before your eyes
Oh the pleasure it gets watching a man fucking die!
Morphing into your worst nightmare right before your eyes
Oh the pleasure it gets watching a man fucking dies!

Inter-dimensional abnormality sent too devour the planet
And plant its genetic seed within the earths core
We are doomed forevermore

Growing in size the more it feeds
It will soon ingest our planet
Growing in size the more we bleed
It will soon devour the planet

Morphing into your worst nightmare right before your eyes
Oh the pleasure it gets watching a man fucking die!
Morphing into your worst nightmare right before your eyes
Oh the pleasure it gets watching a man die
We are being slaughtered like flies